måndag 27 juli 2009
Ni har väl inte missat alla våra härliga och somriga väskor från Rootote!
Perfekta att ta med sig till stranden eller till sommarshoppingen på stan och med kul motiv i japansk design som gör att de skiljer sig från mängden. Fler Rootote-väskor hittar du här.


torsdag 16 juli 2009
Utomhusmålning vid Sandby

Häromveckan åkte vi över till södra Sandby på östra Öland för att prova på att måla landskap utomhus. Väderprognosen stämde inte riktigt och istället för sol fick vi åska och blåst. Som tur är så gick det stora åskvädret precis förbi oss så något regn fick vi inte. Sandby var vackert som vanligt och det var inte svårt alls att hitta fina motiv! Min översta akvarell föreställer kalkhällarna vid strandkanten och den understa åskmolnen över alvaret.
En flock med kor kom förbi precis när vi hade kommit igång och var ganska nyfikna!
Nu hoppas vi på fint väder så att vi kan åka ut och måla snart igen.


lördag 4 juli 2009
Akvarell - lilja

Så här på sommaren finns det mer fina blommor än vad man någonsin skulle hinna måla!
Här är det en lilja som har blivit avmålad i akvarell.


Akvarell - engelsk ros
Den här veckan blev det äntligen lite målat! I torsdags åkte jag ut till Öland och satt och målade och hade det bra! Jag har vuxit upp i Färjestaden och min mamma bor fortfarande kvar i samma hus. Våra grannar har också alltid bott där och vi växte upp tillsammans med barnen i den familjen. Hela deras familj tycker om att måla och är jättebra på det, så vi kom nyligen på den smarta idén att måla tillsammans i trädgården. Det var riktigt varmt i torsdags, men vi satte oss i en liten berså i skuggan av några buskar och jag fick äntligen klart akvarellen här ovanför. Inspirationen fick jag från den mysiga engelska tidningen Country Living, som hade gjort en special om gammaldags engelska rosor.


fredag 3 juli 2009
Swedish Nature during Summer

Hello there! I was just going through some of the pics that Anna and I had taken since the advent of the so called beautiful Swedish summer. And, thought about writing on the blog about the Swedish nature during summer from my perspective. I grew up in a very big city, Mumbai. I also spent some enjoyable last few years in another mega city, Singapore. Both of them are a huge concrete jungle! So I have never really experienced nature except for a few adventurous trips in the outskirts of Mumbai with my friends as a “trying to be cool and hip” teenage guy! And you all know that nature is the last thing on a teenagers mind.

Well, back to the point, I had heard a lot of the Swedish summer and how beautiful it is. Anna loves Singapore and she says that the excellent weather in Singapore is no match for the Swedish summer especially in Kalmar and Öland. I am fascinated at how many exclusive flowers of Asia are growing on the streets here and no one really spoils it by plucking it! Roses, probably the most expensive flower in Asia is ubiquitous here in every garden and street. Some of the bushes are so superb that I have actually regretted so many times for not carrying my camera around to take pics of it. They are simply amazing! It’s so artful how many Swedes make their garden so beautiful. Not as organized and fake looking as Singapore but just plain simple and natural looking, as if no one really planted it there but it just grew there on its own to make the place look pretty! I hated creepers as they just create a mess and look terrible on walls in Asia. But here these creepers grow so fast and cover the entire wall. Best of all they are super green, thick and full of flowers!!! It looks so beautiful when you have a flowering plant in front of or next to your window and it's full of flowers.

Swedes also seem to me that they love this beautiful greenery around. I have seen so many people just sitting around town enjoying the sun or just the shade under a nice big tree in a garden, next to the lake, near the castle etc. After spending half winter here, I can kind of understand it. I have not been to the beach yet but am sure it must be full of people sunbathing. Kalmar, although a small town with not too much commercialized entertainment opportunity (you know..big shopping centers, IT malls, huge theme parks, multiplex cinemas, car shows etc) makes you appreciate and enjoy the good old stuff like a nice walk in the forest, nice dinner with your family, biking around town all the more.

I am lucky and happy to have experienced..rather experience the lovely nature in Kalmar and Öland. It makes me really happy to think that these are the only 2 places I have seen in the whole of Sweden so far and how nice and lovely it will be when I get an opportunity to visit other places in Sweden. And yes..Anna, you are right. The excellent Singapore weather is no match for the Swedish summer!


P.S: Do let me know what you feel about my perspective on summer in Sweden and other things that you might feel I don't understand about the Swedish culture yet!

Etiketter: , ,

torsdag 2 juli 2009
Thank you little miss fix it!

Foto: Sara Zetterström/Little Miss Fix It

Hello everyone! Hope you all are having a great summer so far. It has been exceptionally good weather this week. It just makes me very happy to walk around without a jacket for the first time since I have come to Sweden. Oops! I forgot to introduce myself to you. My name is Vimal and I am Anna-Karin’s sambo. If you have visited the shop in Storgatan, Kalmar, I am sure you would have seen an Indian guy fiddling around with his computer before he turns to look at you and greet you “Hej Valkommen!” in an alien Swedish accent. Well that’s yours truly!

The reason for me to write this blog is to thank Sara Zetterström from one of my favorite blogs called “little miss fix it”. What Anna and I truly like about her blog is the simplicity of her blog and of course the fantabulous articles that she writes. She is a talented photographer and has great pictures in all her blogs which adds a dash of spice to her blogs! Even though my Swedish skills are..well..hmm..downright pathetic..(now you know why I am writing in English) I translate her blogs with google translate and read them. If you go to her blog you will know that she is so disciplined and writes so many fun articles almost every day. Having her blog is like having an exclusive interior design magazine online which is always fresh and interesting with lots of new articles. I think she once wrote on one of her blogs that her goal is to write a blog every day. Go Sara go!

Anna and I are extremely happy that Sara likes our little shop so much and has written about us on her blog article “Shoppingguide - inredningsbutiker i Kalmar”. It is very kind of her to do so and is much appreciated by us. Thank you once again and keep the great articles on your blog coming. All you people..you have got to visit http://littlemissfixit.blogg.se/

